SSL Certificate Site

At Posh Eyes, we take our customers' online security extremely seriously. In our industry in particular, we recognise the importance of securely collecting personal information required to fulfil orders, such as contact lens and sight test prescription information. One way we have helped our webisite users is to introduce Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) across our complete site. This enables users to browse our site securely as all data that is transferred between the users computer and our website is encrypted, making it useless to hackers if they intercept it.


Without HTTPS, websites transferring data (such as passwords and personal information) can be accessed by criminals and used for illicit activities. You can tell if a website has an SSL certificate installed by checking that the URL starts https:// and there is a green padlock (or tick if you are using internet explorer). These are both signs to show that the data will be encrypted.


We have noticed that a number of contact lens and prescription glasses websites which collect personal information are NOT secured with an SSL certificate. We strongly recommend that online users to not use these sites. Given the recent hacking issues at TalkTalk and Tesco Bank, why risk having your personal information open for anyone to see?