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*Tracked Insured Royal Mail
Posh Eyes is a leading online retailer of designer glasses, sunglasses, and major brand contact lenses, based in Oxford, UK. Since the Company was founded in 2005, Posh Eyes has served over 25,000 customers in 30 countries, and has built a reputation for offering the best customer service of any online optical retailer. In 20 years in the optical industry, Managing Director, Julian Gooddy, has led teams which have won the top customer service awards in the UK, including the prestigious Daily Telegraph / Energis Customer Service Award.
Based in Oxford, UK with Professional UK Telephone Support
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Visit us in Oxford for Measurements, Fitting & Advice
Genuine, Authentic Branded Products
Staffed by fully qualified UK based Optician (30 years experience)
Call Us +44 (0)1865 400384
Fax +44 (0)1865 891322
Posh Eyes
Westbury House, 52 French Laurence Way, Chalgrove, Oxford OX44 7YF, United Kingdom.
Skype: posheyes
© 2014 Posh Eyes. All Rights Reserved.
Posh Eyes (A Division of EyeCare Services Ltd.)
Westbury House, 52 French Laurence Way, Chalgrove, Oxford OX44 7YF United Kingdom
® Posh Eyes and the Posh Eyes logo are registered trademarks. EyeCare Services Ltd. is Registered in England & Wales - Reg. No. 04501667 V.A.T. No. 805323264